Stanzas | 3 |
Lines | 9/stanza = 27 lines |
Syllable/Words | 14 syllables/line |
Rhymes | Odd lines have same rhyme all stanzas, even lines different rhyme/stanza |
Repeat | |
H is for Holly—2009
I never understood my line in my first Christmas Pageant.
“H is for holly, the colors of red and green together.”
I had to carry a huge green ‘H’ and say this oddment.
I explored it on the internet thirty years after.
My line takes on new meaning, to which I am reverent. 5
I have gained new knowledge that puts an end to my ponders.
I always knew the symbolism must be pertinent
To the true meaning of Christmas, but I always floundered.
Now I know the central meaning to be very poignant.
When holly’s lily white flower is most fragrant 10
The brilliant white reminds us of Jesus’ purity.
When flower in turn becomes red berry as its’ penchant
We are changed through Christ’s forgiveness to become more holy.
The red berry reminds us of Christ’s blood spilled in atonement
For all our sins by those who accused Lord Jesus falsely. 15
Evergreen leaves with thorny prickle crowning his movement
As Jesus makes the arduous trek up to Calvary
Bearing our cross and crown of thorns for us like a pennant.
Holly itself is evergreen and sometimes hidden, yet present.
Like Christ’s love, always there even if we can’t feel it. 20
Holly can grow and mature in dark, shady concealment
To break out vibrant red and green against winter’s spirit
Like suddenly feeling Jesus hand guiding and buoyant.
The King of the trees wreathed in an evergreen outfit,
Holly is often growing among the oaks lying dormant. 25
The lustery leaves a contrast to snow when sunlit
God’s love shining through, wrapping us in new, golden raiment.