Sunday, January 23, 2011


9/stanza = 27 lines
14 syllables/line
Odd lines have same rhyme all stanzas, even lines different rhyme/stanza

H is for Holly—2009      

I never understood my line in my first Christmas Pageant.
“H is for holly, the colors of red and green together.”
I had to carry a huge green ‘H’ and say this oddment.
I explored it on the internet thirty years after.
My line takes on new meaning, to which I am reverent.                                                5
I have gained new knowledge that puts an end to my ponders.
I always knew the symbolism must be pertinent
To the true meaning of Christmas, but I always floundered.
Now I know the central meaning to be very poignant.

When holly’s lily white flower is most fragrant                                                    10
The brilliant white reminds us of Jesus’ purity.
When flower in turn becomes red berry as its’ penchant
We are changed through Christ’s forgiveness to become more holy.
The red berry reminds us of Christ’s blood spilled in atonement
For all our sins by those who accused Lord Jesus falsely.                                15
Evergreen leaves with thorny prickle crowning his movement
As Jesus makes the arduous trek up to Calvary
Bearing our cross and crown of thorns for us like a pennant.

Holly itself is evergreen and sometimes hidden, yet present.
Like Christ’s love, always there even if we can’t feel it.                                   20
Holly can grow and mature in dark, shady concealment
To break out vibrant red and green against winter’s spirit
Like suddenly feeling Jesus hand guiding and buoyant.
The King of the trees wreathed in an evergreen outfit,
Holly is often growing among the oaks lying dormant.                                     25
The lustery leaves a contrast to snow when sunlit
God’s love shining through, wrapping us in new, golden raiment.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


12/stanza = 36 lines

Every third line rhymes  (3, 6, 9, 12)


The cloud people metamorphosize
At the will of the wind.
Never a true shape to have.
No chrysalis of becoming,
Transforming always to the next being.
And like a glacier, they sometimes calve.
Losing bits and pieces of themselves
Joining up with some others
Become the wind and clouds’ distaff.
Sometimes light and flowy,
Sometimes dark and stormy,
Becoming in one mind’s eye a large giraffe.

Soaring above the gondolier’s head
To fall back onto the plains and oceans
The cloud people also bring life.
Always circulating around and around,
In one form or another
Energizing both pond scum and wildlife.
Blowing from Italy to England
In constantly changing form
Even to the firth and fife.
Swirling and twirling like smoke
In a raucous party they come
Storming into New York’s nightlife.

Driving in the car or laying on the ground
Staring in wonder as the cloud people transform,
A meditation of life takes over.
One cloud image triggers this memory
 Another triggers that,
Reminiscing of how through life we’ve blundered.
 Lives in constant flux and flow
Sometimes staying one way a bit longer
Other times a swiftly changing picture.
The wind brings new people to life
As others fade away, some gone for good,
While others are always remembered.


3/stanza = 24 lines
Alternate 8 syllables then 13 syllables/line

Blues Sistah’—unrhymed version

1              Went to Chicago for a trip,
                Drove down Wacker Drive wantin’ a twenty car pile up,
                The kids with me, thought I was crazy.

                I even took a picture of the Wacker Drive sign.
5              Lookin’ everywhere for Elwood
                To drive past with Jake in the passenger seat, grinning.

                As we were driving in the city
                On our first night, a sax-man was a’ blowin’ his horn
                Standin’ on a corner, no cares.

10           On the 103rd floor of the great Sears Tower
                Looking out at the Hancock Building
                I kept picturing a Pinto floating through the sky.

                Let out a squeal at another sign,
                Take the next exit to go to Joliet prison.
15           Jake, baby, hang out there for me.

                Took the El’ from Skokie to down town Chicago to shop,
                Rolling through a bunch of stations
                Wondering when a building would blow up by rocket.
                I could just imagine a cop car
20           Chasing Jake ‘n Elwood  ‘round and around,
                As I went about my shopping.
                At Midway Airport on the way home the kids found a great mockup,
                Jake ‘n Elwood singin’ their bit.
                I bought the glasses ‘n hat, and next Halloween I’ll be a Blues Sistah’.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Zapha Xi

Zapha Xi
5/stanza = 15 lines
11 words

Line 5

Spirit Sister

                The internet has created wonderful opportunities to meet vibrant new people.
                I cherish these new friends as much as my old friends.
                You make my life more fulfilled, though we chat through wires.
                I am so glad to have met you my dear friend.
5              Though we haven’t met in real life, you are my sister.

                Your words of wisdom have found a home in my soul.
                I will remember and value the counsel you have given me.
                You are an angel on the ‘net with golden fiber-optic wings.
                In this cyber-world we’ve created, you rise above the rest.
10           Though we haven’t met in real life, you are my sister.

                I picture you floating in the heavenly blue sky, typing.
                The sun gently warming you, with just a trickle of breeze,
                Sitting cross-legged on a fluffy white cloud, keyboard on your lap,
                Smiling in concentration to pen for others sweet words of inspiration.
15           Though we haven’t met in real life, you are my sister.

Beth Ellen Cook               
For Karenina

Friday, January 7, 2011


9/stanza = 18 lines
7 words/line
1 rhyme on odd lines

—doubled, sort-of.  Dues to the quote from Mr. Yamaguchi at the end this poem isn't quite doubled.  I didn't want to distract from the quote by futzing with it.


Just stepping off the tram that day
He became a part of history,
Caught by the blast of the U.S.’s endplay.
The B-29 Enola Gay dropped ‘Little Boy’
Changing the world in a horrific way.                                      
Sent from Nagasaki for a business meeting,
Tsutomu Yamaguchi, just in Hiroshima for the day,
Survived the first atomic blast in Japan.
Burned, deaf, and temporarily blind , he went home the next day.

While speaking with his supervisor two days later,          
Explaining how close he’d come to death,
Another flash of light, another crater.
The second B-29, Bockscar, dropped ‘Fat Man.’
Many weeks to heal the new blisters,
But Mr. Yamaguchi survived this blast too.                          
His wife, caught in fall-out, at 88 died of cancer.
His son, was a baby, and at 59 became cancer’s victim.
His daughter is now the only survivor.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi managed to live a full life.
He died at age 93 on Monday.                                                   
Against nuclear weapons he was very active,
Invited to speak directly to the United Nations.
A handful of people, through both bombings, lived,
Though Japan says he was the only one.
January 4, 2010, cancer claimed another captive.              
Yet his words will inspire those still here
To reach out to others and forgive.

“My double radiation exposure is now
An official government record, it can tell
The younger generation the horrifying history
Of the atomic bombings even after I die.
Having been granted that miracle of survival
It is my responsibility to pass on
The truth to the people of the world.”