Stanzas | 1 |
Lines | 17 |
Syllable/Words | |
Rhymes | Line 1, 7, 8, 9, 17 rhyme, the rest none |
Repeat | |
Music of the Night
1 The crows called to each other raucously as they settled for the night.
Sharing with each other, and the world, their trials and tribulations
As the sun set beyond the horizon far in the west, where they’d never been.
The crickets slowly started to tune their orchestra.
5 First one here would do a sound check, then another over there
Until they were all vibrating in time as the crows wrapped up their set.
Occasionally the crickets give way to cars passing their homesite.
The reverberation of rubber on pavement giving them a violent respite
Over which nothing else can be heard as tires take the spotlight.
10 The music flows into the breeze as it moves through the trees.
Leaves sway together, brushing against one another
A quiet, gentle counterpoint to tires and crows is sighed.
A croak comes from nowhere, and then another, and another.
The frogs are hunting in full force in the dark of the day.
15 And then a single trill comes from the east, followed by one more.
The song birds awaken to face another day as the sun lightens the sky.
The summer concert will have an encore when again there’s no daylight.
Beth Ellen Cook