Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Edge of the Storm

8 = 16 lines
10 syllables/line

Line 1

So this is a zabby and a half.  I needed an extra stanza.

Edge of the Storm

1              When the birds started their trilling again
                I knew at last the storm had passed us by.
                A micro-burst had struck fifteen miles away,
                A tornado had touched down just forty.
5              The T.V. was telling everyone to
                Heed the tornado warnings until 8:00.
                At 7:39 a new line hit.
                At first it was cool and then I was scared.
When the birds started their trilling again
10           And the sky started to lighten up
                My anxiety started to level off.
                And by 8:10 P.M. it was over.
                No more rain, thunder in the distance.
                The lightening had quit flashing around me;
15           Some bolts of which had struck very close by.
                The T.V., which had quit, was broadcasting.

When the birds started their trilling again
                I knew a smidge of what Joplin had felt
                But I still can’t imagine that horror.
20           In a half hour, my world had been shaken
                But at least it was still, completely, here.
                The lightening may have struck a few trees down,
                But I’ve turned the computer back on
                And sit here without fear of being hit.

Beth Ellen Cook               