Friday, April 29, 2011

Zuma--They Dreamed

They Dreamed

                A carriage ride back to a palace she dreamed,
                Walking down the aisle her eyes were agleam.
                Her life changed in this single moment of time
                While the carillon bells sang out their sweet chime.
                In the street, people cheered to show their esteem;
                Wishing happy days and romantic moonbeams,
                And all the things that make a happy lifetime.
                A perfect way to celebrate this springtime.

                Standing at attention before the altar
                He awaits her long arrival with torture.
                Once she’s beside him, he tells her she’s beautiful,
                In a deep sigh that is completely blissful.
                With so much focus on pageantry and glamour
                It’s sweet that he remembers to honor her
                With words of love that are soft as a petal.
                His smile says that his words are completely truthful.

                Smiles grow wider as they leave the abbey.
                When the sun breaks through they pause doorway
                As if Mother Nature blesses their union
                And shines her light down upon England’s scions.
                The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wave humbly
                As the horse-drawn carriage takes them home smartly.
                They are the world’s new hope, a shining beacon.
                On a blank page a new chapter is begun.

Beth Ellen Cook               
8/stanza = 24 lines
11 syllables
2/stanza: aabbaabb  ccddccdd  eeffeeff

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


6 lines, 7 lines, 8 lines = 21 lines
15 syllables/line


A challenge from the kids to write one in 15 minutes.  Got 2 of three stanzas done.

Free My Soul

The Civil War started today, 150 years ago.
Fort Sumter was bombarded by the Conferated South;
The bloodiest moment of our young history at that time.
More Unites States citizens died in that war than another.
North fought the South over the owning of other people’s souls.
A bloody victory was claimed, the U.S. changed forever.

Battles were a lot more personal, not like they are today.
Weapons were not accurate so you had to be close to fire.
Bayonets were common place as you came face to face with foes.
You could see the fear or anger in your enemy’s dying eyes.
Hospital condition surgeries were not even thought of.
Men died from infection more often than not after surgery.
Arms and legs hacked off without the thought of anesthetics.

Free blacks and freed blacks went South to fight for others freedoms.
Crossing the Mason-Dixon Line would surely mean their doom.
They went anyway so they could save someone’s mom, dad, or son.
No more or less courageous than any other soldier.
All the soldiers fought for what they believed was right at the time.
History has proven how wrong it is to own someone’s soul.
Civil wars are raging across the face of the earth today.
Those in Tunisia, Libya, and the Gold Coast cry “Freedom!”

Beth Ellen Cook

Monday, April 11, 2011


Zojavan: must be about natural world, spiritual world, Green Man,
            Mother Earth, Father Sun, Native American in feeling
6/ stanza= 24 total
10 words
a a b b c c each stanza

Last Gasp

1              A harsh, frigid wind blew strong in the late morning.
                A portent that worse weather from the south would be coming.
                Gun metal gray skies touched the top of the mesa
                A moving wall that would blot out the sun’s nova.
5              Choking red dust hazily consumed the blue spring sky first
                Bringing Hell to Earth as if it had been cursed.

                Clouds brought in muddy rain with a worse forecast pending
                In the form of ice encrusted roads from snow blowing.
                The temperature dipped radically, striking fast like an enraged hydra.
10            The ground turned a soggy brown, a bleak, ugly vista.
                The snow refused to stick, as spring was a-burst.
                But Old Man Winter hadn’t yet given it his worst.

                The chartreuse seedpods on the trees took a hard lashing
                Yet clung with determination to the branches that were bending.
15            Not ready to fall to the earth to become flora
                They stayed hard to their branches in their pupa.
                Another week or two was needed before they would burst,
    A lucky few to land on good earth and become immersed.

                Ice enshrouded windshields throughout the cold night and next morning,
20            Melting only once the heater gets hot and starts blasting.
                Another day starts, completely different from yesterday’s wind churning saga
                Clear, cloudless azure skies spread a calm and tranquil aura.
                The hard gray clouds once more shoved aside and dispersed.
                The shiny world, bright and beautiful, waiting to be traversed.

Beth Ellen Cook               