Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Music of the Night


Line 1, 7, 8, 9, 17 rhyme, the rest none

Music of the Night

1              The crows called to each other raucously as they settled for the night.
                Sharing with each other, and the world, their trials and tribulations
                As the sun set beyond the horizon far in the west, where they’d never been.
                The crickets slowly started to tune their orchestra.
5              First one here would do a sound check, then another over there
                Until they were all vibrating in time as the crows wrapped up their set.
                Occasionally the crickets give way to cars passing their homesite.
                The reverberation of rubber on pavement giving them a violent respite
                Over which nothing else can be heard as tires take the spotlight.
10           The music flows into the breeze as it moves through the trees.
                Leaves sway together, brushing against one another
                A quiet, gentle counterpoint to tires and crows is sighed.
                A croak comes from nowhere, and then another, and another.
                The frogs are hunting in full force in the dark of the day.
15           And then a single trill comes from the east, followed by one more.
                The song birds awaken to face another day as the sun lightens the sky.
                The summer concert will have an encore when again there’s no daylight.
Beth Ellen Cook               

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Winds of the Moon

8 = 24 lines
11 syllables/line

Okay, so I broke form and didn't rhyme this one.  I'm not sure about stanza's 2 & 3, so give me some feedback.

Winds of the Moon

                Around all the moons swirl gentle solar winds
                That sometimes metamorphosize into storms.
                No matter which wind blows, it gathers moon dust
                Which sparks to life in the glowing of the sun.
                Most motes settle back to the moons’ arid surfaces,
                Occasionally a spark travels beyond,
                To drift through space until it finds the right mind,
                Lodges there, giving stellar inspiration.

                The mind that receives this sparkle of the moon
                Transforms the ordinary into brilliance.
                Creativity becomes their driving force.
                Others may not understand their leaps and bounds
                As they are progressives ahead of their time.
                When the others finally catch up, they say, “Ah,
                NOW we understand just where they were going.”
                No longer are they the crackpot on the fringe.

                But the driving force is the most important.
                It coalesces things without connection.
                The moon dust swirls through the mind on solar wind
                Bringing in the knowledge of whole galaxies
                To flow through either gently or as a storm.
                The creativity can be a constant
                Or come from nowhere in frenzied fits and spurts.
                The mind just smiles and lets it all flow forth.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

His Chair

6 lines, 7 lines, 8 lines = 21 lines
15 syllables/line


His Chair

1              I used to feel no compunction about sitting in his chair
                After he’d made his way upstairs, going to bed for the night.
                Now the dark blue La-Z-boy recliner sits where its’ always sat,
                In the corner of the living room, partially blocking a door,
5              But the family doesn’t sit in it, unless company comes.
                No one has said, “Don’t sit in Grampy’s chair,” it’s just understood.

                That’s where Grampy has sat since my first memory as a kid;
                In his recliner, surveying through the big picture window.
                Random comments about what he saw would boom across the room
10            And he’d expect a comment back agreeing with what he said.
                His decrees about life from his throne were often times funny
                Especially when he was watching all the evening news shows;
                He definitely thought he could do a better job than most.

                Everyone knew to wave as they went by, whether you saw him or not,
15            Just in case, or you’d hear about it the next time he saw you.
                It was all in the good nature of ribbing between neighbors.
                If anyone needed help with anything Grampy was there.
                If advice was needed for a project, he’d give you plenty,
                Especially if it was planting a vegetable garden.
20            He’d watch from his chair in the living room as neighbors planted
                Shaking his head and planning his next bit of advice to give.

One Day I’ll Touch the Sunrise

6 = 30 lines
14 syllable/line

Line 1

One Day I’ll Touch the Sunrise

1              On the east face of a mountain I will arise early
                Lay out my talismans from my medicine bundle
                The sage and cedar I gathered will burn in my fire
                I sit, awaiting the first rays of the morning sun
5              To touch my hair then forehead, eyes then ears, and lastly mouth
                And one day, when I have the wisdom, I will touch the sunrise.

                On the east face of a mountain I will arise early
    The sun kisses my hair like a father kisses a child’s head
                It strokes my hair as a mother cuddles an infant close
10            The sun wraps me in its’ secure gossamer embrace.
                As it brushes my forehead peace invades and conquers me
                Tranquil thoughts I want to spread over the world’s circumference.

    On the east face of a mountain I will arise early
                The sun will burn the sights of war and chaos from my eyes                        
15            Meadows of wildflowers in shade of yellow, white, blue
                With butterflies flitting to sip their nectar will remain.
                My ears fill with warmth of positive words instead of screams
                Of bigoted racial and religious intolerance.

                On the east face of a mountain I will arise early
20            And learn to speak with words of humility, and wisdom
                As the sun stretches forth its’ first rays to cover my mouth.
                This way people will learn to think before they react
                With words spoken in anger without seeing the other side
                Each new day is a chance to grow and become more than now.

25            On the east face of a mountain I will arise early
                And one day I will touch the sunrise as it has touched me
                As a cleansing for all the created by man
                His ego and industry seek only to destroy
                Very few succeed in ever building people up
30                When it’s easier to trample them under you heels.