Sunday, November 20, 2011

8 = 24 lines
12 syllables/line


1              Glacial frost sparkles on the leaves and flowers
                Crystallization capturing their true colors.
                Leeching the color into the frost’s very heart.
                As the sun warms the surrounding, melting frost
5              It drains the condensed color of the plant away
                Storing and saving it for the new shoots in the spring.
                When April rains come again so will the colors
                Shifting and maturing through spring, summer, and fall.

                Fairies with butterfly wings paint on the colors
10           Touching up each leaf and flower to show its’ best.
                Lady bug warriors defend against vandals
                Who would deface and destroy Mother Nature’s works.
                Peonies could not burst forth without lots of help
                From the strongest of insects, the blackest of ants.
15           While hard working bees transform nectar to honey
                A gift with healing properties fit for the gods.

                Children always seem believe in all these things,
                While adults become increasingly more cynical
                Needing proof from science to determine the truth.
20           The grace of whimsy is granted to few adults.
                Adults can recapture it from time to time
                By looking through a child’s eyes for a moment
                But soon it is lost again to adult burdens.
                Oh how I wish I could have stayed a child longer.

Beth Ellen Cook               

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