Stanzas | 3 |
Lines | 8/stanza = 24 lines |
Syllable/Words | 12 syllables |
Rhymes | 2/stanza |
Repeat | |
Unrhymed version
Birthday Suprises
1 Got to school to learn it was a delayed start day.
“Go figure,” I thought, as it had snowed ‘slush’ overnight.
As I walked into the staff meeting my friends yelled,
“Happy Birthday, Miss Cook!” and boy did I turn red!
5 At least the whole staff didn’t break out into song,
I would have sunk into the floor if they had.
It was a nice feeling, none the less, to know they cared.
Funny how it’s the small stuff that becomes important.
My friends, after that, decided spur-of-the-moment
10 That we needed to go out to a nice dinner.
I heard them up and down the hall, to all the staff
To come and eat out somewhere with all of us.
I’m not sure where we’re going at this point in time
But I do know a good time will be had by all.
15 Just sitting and laughing with good friends is good for me.
Funny how it’s the small stuff that becomes important.
The students in my third hour then surprised me.
First by remembering that it was my birthday,
Then by spontaneously breaking into song.
20 It was cute, it was funny, it was WAY off key.
They tried to talk me into a free day from work,
I laughed, and told them their present was to do their work.
They groaned and laughed, but got to work anyway.
Funny how it’s the small stuff that becomes important.