Monday, February 21, 2011


6/stanza = 42 lines
13 syllables/line

Line 1

The Knights Templar Cat

1              The mother barn cat had a new litter of kittens.
                Three were born that day into the Templar Knights stable.
                The boy kitten would soon learn that he was quite special.
                An orange tabby with loud, wide stripes and copper eyes,
5              On his right shoulder the stripes formed a horse rearing up,
                And on his left shoulder the stripes formed a perfect cross.

                When the little copper cat started exploring his world
                One knight noticed his markings and thought he was a sign.
                Whenever Copper, as he was soon to be called,
10           Was around the practice yard, those who petted him won their bout.
                He was loved by all and well looked after by the great knights.
                Copper made sure his mom and sisters got their share too.

                Copper was allowed to go wherever he wanted.             
                One day he was sitting in the knight’s council chamber
15           Where they were discussing a most serious rumor.
                The king did not like how powerful they had become
                And was soon to take matters into his own hands.
                The knights didn’t know when, just that they’d need to be prepared.
                As the knights made plans to escape, they did not forget
20           Their little Copper cat friend or his family.
                Bags where fashioned to hold them on saddle pommels.
                On Friday, October 13, 1307,
Copper heard people sneaking about, and rushed to wake the knights.
                As Copper rushed, shrieking through the castle, knights grabbed swords.

25           Those chosen to guard the knights’ treasure rushed out the back,
                The cat family went with them to ensure their luck.
                The knights and Copper went by ship and escaped to England.
                Copper gave comfort to the wounded knights as best he could.
                A purr here and a head-butt there seemed to raise the knights’ spirits.
30           God had spared them and so they’d rebuild, he seemed to say.

                The knights made their way inland from the cold, blowing sea.  
                Taking refuge and establishing a new church
                To hide and guard their greatest of treasures.
                Eventually the town around the church had cats.
35           Copper and his sisters would pass the harrowing tale
                Of escape, to each of the following generations.

                Once in a while, a kit with Copper’s markings
                Would appear, and the person who took it in would be blessed.
                In a dream the kitten would share the tale of the knights
40           and what really happened during the escape on that fateful day.
                People would one day know the truth of the Copper cat
42           and how he and his family had saved the Knights Templar.

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