Monday, February 21, 2011


4/stanza = 40 lines
6 words/line

1st stanza becomes last stanza=full circle ending.

First Home         

                The first home I really remember
                Was built into a Vermont hillside.
                Ranch house above a two-car garage,
                White with black shutters at the windows.

                The red porch running around it
                Was an inviting smile to all.
                The shutters gave the front windows
                All seeing eyes above the smile.

                Meow was my first cat there,
                So smart he could say his name,
                So big he took on a bull,
                But he loved me all the same.

                The trees all around were my friends.
                Maples became castles and forts, safety.
                The apple orchard became an Oz-like playground.
                Swinging across the creek on saplings.

The rock pile by the garden
                Was the evil kingdom around there.
                Snakes were forever basking on the rocks,
                A short-cut to the garden, bravely taken.

                In the garden, good things grew.
                Corn and potatoes, peas and beans,
                Frozen and saved for winter eating.
                Good things to last us through.

When the beavers claimed the creek
                Damming it up for themselves
                A pond filled our front yard
                swimming in summer, skating in winter.

                Chickens and ducks, rabbits and pigs,
                All seemed to live in harmony
                Loved and annoyed by us kids
                Tolerant of our games and ‘ministrations.’

Inside always seemed warm and cozy.
                The popping of the woodstove, calming.
                Seeing how close we could get
                was a game we sometimes played.
The first home I really remember
                Was built into a Vermont hillside.
                Ranch house above a two-car garage,
                White with black shutters at the windows.

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