Monday, February 21, 2011


7/stanza = 14 lines
11 syllables/line


Yellow Chirps

1              I saw you in the road, but thought you could fly.
                As I got closer you hopped and flopped away.
                I stopped to make sure you were going to be alright.
                When I got close I realized you were just a babe.
5              You couldn’t fly away because you feathers
                Were still encapsulated and growing in.
                You let me scoop you up in my hands safely.

                Sitting on my palm your yellow smile was cute.
                I looked around, but couldn’t see where your nest was.
10           The driveway wasn’t a safe place to leave you
                So I took you into the hay bales in the stable.
                I made you a little nest in the grass hay
                Where I knew your mama could get to you
                And you snuggled down as if it was your own.


1              After the thunderstorms I heard the frogs sing,
                The song woke me up for several nights in a row.
                I knew the pond was filling up with water.
                The mosquitoes took advantage and swarmed up.
5              Little did I know tadpoles were there too.
                Soon to transform and start hopping through the stables,
                Cute little toads, no bigger than my thumb nail.

                In my mind the frogs start raining down from clouds
                As the next monsoon storm unleashes its’ might.
10           With the population explosion of frogs
                I know two things will happen next, less mosquitoes
                And more snakes.  I can’t help it, I just hate snakes.
                Little frogs you need to hide and be safe.
                I hate to think of your cuteness being gone.

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