Sunday, January 2, 2011


Swept Out

                All of life’s trash has been swept out again.
                The New Year brings about the chance for changes.
                Our good intentions to become better
                Become our goals for another year.
5              Some goals are just too lofty to obtain,
                Some too esoteric to comprehend,
                Those are given up before they get tried.
                Sometimes it’s just best to stick to simple goals.
   All of life’s trash has been swept out again.
10           The woes of last year we try to set aside
                Or look at them with a diff’rent point of view.
                A new year to make of it what we will.
                Will we continue in our same old ways
                Or will this year be the year we fin’ly change?
15            A blank slate, a clean sheet of paper,
                What will you write upon it this new year?

Beth Ellen Cook

Resolution Wagon

                The wheels on the resolution wagon
                Have come full circle back to me again.
                As I look back over this past year
                I realize I failed most of my goals.
5              So why do I make diff’rent ones this year?
                Why not just recycle previous ones?
                I wonder how soon it will be before
                I fall off this year’s resolution wagon.
    The wheels on the resolution wagon
10            I can picture quite clearly in my mind.
                The slowly turning spokes are made up of
                All of my goals from previous years.
                The rim rolls through all the muck and mire
                That gets in the way of accomplishment.
15            Sometimes the wheels get stuck, and need help,
                Sometimes they shatter and need to be replaced.
                The wheels on the resolution wagon
                Keep churning through life every day.
                Most of the time they follow the ruts
20            Keeping to the tracks already lain out.
                But sometimes new ground has to be tread upon.
                Much careful planning is then required.
                Short term goal after short term goal is followed              
                Until the long term goal reaches completion.

Beth Ellen Cook               

The form of the Zabby is as follows.  As you'll notice I added an extra stanza to the second poem.  Creative license.   lol

8 = 16 lines
Syllable or Words per line
10 syllables/line

Line 1

1 comment:

  1. Beth, love your poetry!! Can't wait to see more!! jo-anne
